          陳致中遞狀控告週刊 求償兩百萬 Like Chinese said "Lie.Swall.10.Fail.Jer.Ben.10.10.Fail.Ren", the media and every private citizen can have all right "捕風捉影加油添醋" (Because rich and famous showing any 風影 must already have tons of invisible crimes behind close doors. ) c 系統傢俱hase any rich and famous, you sucking shameless rich and famous does not like anyone to chase after you, you should keep the lowest profile to hide inside your sucking big room instead of showing in front of anyone who is less rich less powerful less for 信用貸款ceful than you,rich and famous showing up in front of "汽車旅館" instead of hiding inside his own home must deserve to be sentenced to death penalty immediately. "The Court needs to do the duty to investigate 陳致中 and his 律師 and all his 支持者 back ground before give an 烤肉食材y one of them the ears and eyes, and the Court needs to call Jury to try them (they can have right to call anyone who has no connection with them but friendly to them to be the jury, that means in Taiwan, no one may be qualified, because of those friendly must all that sucking 陳致中 dad "C 永慶房屋henSwayBen" voters; therefore, I may be the only neutral one can be trustful to be that fair and balance Jury, and I don't even need to hear and see can tell they all must be killed immediately. Because liar [that sucking 陳致中 <"1979年1月22日-" ""> 東森房屋 mom 吳淑珍 <1986年其夫陳水扁因蓬萊島雜誌案入獄 {prisoner/loser dare shameless run for poublic office instead of hiding behind close door to be a good doctor a good adviser, must be killed immediately.},吳淑珍代夫出征,參選中華民國立法委員,並以第七名(應選八名)當選 ""> cannot e 辦公室出租ven be good enough to stay home to care her own under aged kids, as a mom as a wife, cannot be good enough to do the duty to care her own kid to respect Chinese best moral value to stay at her own home, dare have that shameless to abuse her sucking rich and narrow minded slavery linked force to run for public office, committed the crime of lie already enough t 關鍵字行銷o be killed immediately, not mention as a Handicaped woman cannot even be good enough to care herself, dare have that shameless brainless selfish to run for First Lady sight, too suck to deserve a life, not mention to be good enough to give any good birth.] and rich and narrow minded slavery linked rooted mother must have no way to give birth of honest son, rich and famous son must always 房地產 surrounded by evil doers, their best luck must be to die rather sooner than later to help them to keep more good remaining to leave this world behind.) first, until they are all proved innocent, then to consider to give them a say. Rich and famous must be guilty (That how Customer First Rule matters, otherwide, no rich and famous customer can be allowed to be serviced by any less business owner. That ho 租屋網w the Court needs to investigate that sucking 律師 to make sure that sucking 律師 not ever got paid check from the defended job, because 律師 got paid, must be subjected to Customer First rule, no way to be trusted to be loyal to the integrity of justice above Customer First Rule. ) until proved innocent.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店打工  .

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